v steam

Brief history & health benefits of Mugwort V Steam Therapy:
Mugwort (Artemisia Vulgaris) has been used in Korea for hundreds of years and is known for balancing female hormonal levels. Mugwort also contains natural antibiotics and anti-fungal agents which are said to help maintain internal health as well as keep your skin looking and feeling young and healthy.
Mugwort leaves and flower buds are boiled and steeped like tea and their steam is applied to a specific area of the body (the vagina and perineum) for detoxification. The steam from the mugwort is absorbed into the body through the pores of the skin, most strongly affecting the site of absorption. Although classically used by women, it is also beneficial for men to detox the body.
- Stimulates the Production of Hormones To Maintain Uterine Health
- Protects the Uterus From Ulcers and Tumors
- Soothes While Strengthening the Nervous System
- Stimulates Menstrual Discharges and the Production of Milk
- Aids in Restarting Regular Menstrual Cycles
- Eases Fatigue, Headaches, Abdominal Discomfort, and Mausea
- Lessens the Effects of Renal Calculi, Rheumatism, Arthritis, and Gout
- Helps Fight Infections
- Kills Intestinal Worms
- Helps Correct Digestive Disorders
- Warms the Body
Warning: DO NOT use during pregnancy.
The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The above product/service is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or conditions.
30 min: $70 | Series of 5: $300
The talk of the town, the V Steam is based on an ancient Korean ritual practiced for hundreds of years. Using a blend of Chinese herbs, this steaming treatment stimulates the production and balancing of hormones to maintain uterine health, aids in regulating menstrual cycles, and clears up hormonal acne.
The V Steam promotes fertility by enhancing the health of the reproductive system, warming the womb, invigorating circulation of the chi, and stimulating blood flow to the uterus.
It also has slimming properties and can help to correct digestive disorders, promote detoxification, and burn body fat.
Originally enjoyed by the Emperor of China, the A Steam for men is invigorating and detoxifying. Our blend of Chinese herbs aids in reducing muscle tension, inflammation, and lactic acid. It improves cardiovascular performance, and induces deeper sleep. The A Steam can also detox the body, invigorate circulation of the chi, and enhance overall health.
Warning: DO NOT use during pregnancy.
The above statement have not been evaluated by the FDA. The above product/service is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases or conditions.